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Hi, I'm Stuart (Gingydadtog), a photographer based in Dudley in the West Midlands area of the UK.


My interest in photography began with a little 110 instamatic. I also dabbled with a 126 camera before saving my pennies and progressing to my first SLR, a Zenith 11, in the mid 80’s.


My first job allowed me to have the funds to progress to the realms of TTL metering and a Praktica BX20. I never considered it a serious hobby, but I just enjoyed getting out there and taking what interested me. My first step into the world of digital was a Canon Powershot A520 compatc which eventually gave way to a Panasonic TZ30. It wasn’t until 2014, and the purchase of my first DSLR that I began to take things a little more seriously.


I'm now fully entrenched in the world of mirrorless with Olympus but I've also started to reacquaint myself with 35mm by dragging the BX20 out of retirement. 


I'm a member of the Phoenix Railway Photographic Circle  where members try to produce creative and artistic images of railway related subjects which are more visually interesting.


My images are mainly of railway interest, but I also enjoy other genres including documentary, urban and portrait photography. 



Thanks for stopping by.



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